Need to get from Girona Airport to Tossa De Mar?
The Bus is the cheapest way of doing so, but this is not always an option for some people. If you arrive late at Girona Airport, then the Bus service may have finished. The Sarfa Bus Service is directly available in the airport, and you can easily walk from the terminal to the Bus Stop, which is located just outside.
The Bus from Girona Airport to Tossa De Mar, will also stop off in the following places.
Lloret de Mar > Blanes > Magrat > Santa Susanna > Pineda de Mar > Calella de la Costa > Tossa de Mar. As you can see, this service has a few stops, but it is the cheapest option.
You can also take a Taxi from Girona Airport to Tossa De Mar.
The price will depend on the time of day, and also the season. During the summer, prices rise slightly. The rpice will be between 80 and 100 Euros. These prices are not exact.