Need to get from Girona Airport to Salou?
Girona Airport is approx 2.42 hours by car.
Did you know there are many ways to do this including Bus and Taxi.
If you take the Taxi from Girona Airport to Salou, you will find this may cost you quite a lot, approx 200 Euros. A taxi from Barcelona to Salou will cost 150 Euros.
You can also take the Bus from Girona Airport to Salou and this will cost you less.
The only way of doing this, is to first take a Bus to Barcelona, and then onto Salou. This service may take you quite a while, a trip from Girona to Barcelona will be around 1.20 minutes, and cost only 12 Euros one way. You can then get a Bus from Barcelona to Salou. You can get official information on this service, by visiting here.